Wednesday, September 2, 2009

and its time for task 2

Hola Bloggers,

Task 2 time so im going to keep this short and sweet.

In answer to the question, "How do Search Engines rank their pages" Personally without any form of investigation into the matter, i thought to myself, "Because someone pays them to be at the top" But naturally due to assumption i was wrong.

It turns out that they use the words or keywords that you put into the search engine and quickly scan the web, Finding any pages that are relevant to the particular word that you have used, In the past websites would fill their sites with random useless words that do not convey anything at all, besides senseless dribble, Just to get thier site to the top of the list so people would click on their little link.

The next question was "What is it that puts a page at the top of the list", My simple answer would be that the information again, If its wholely relevent to the keywords, and has a statistically higher relevance it gains priority, Say you were to google a random word, it would come up with the information for that word, and any websites relevant to that, However all you need to do is add another word and your results will differ, sometimes stay the same but differ in one way or another.

Personally, My favourite search engine would have to be Google, Because it is the King/Galatic Overlord (whatever tickles your fancy) of the Search engines, its the most commercialized of them all, and because of the exposure Google has gotten, more people use it, I do however tend to stray to other search engines, for no real reason as to feel unique however that is a feeble attempt to say the least.

Well thats all today Bloggers.

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