Wednesday, September 2, 2009

3D vs IM


This week the theme is 3D vs IM Messaging.

I think this is a bit of a better topic to be talking about, i can get deeper into personal opinion, and really evaluate which would be a better system.

Okay well lets start with 3D Instant Messaging, Whats the point of turning something that is only relaying information from one person to another into a interactive form of communications, I guess some would say, You feel a little more at ease using the program, its more realistic, Feels like your talking to real people.

I would personally say, There is no real point to it, Its just a waste of time, People aren't going to portrait themselves accurately, and its only for talking to others so there is no need for all the sillyness, for example: "Build your own environment, Traverse different lands" Blah blah blah, the list goes on.

In the essence of communication, You the speaker must convey your message to the listener, so sure you're doing this with added graphics, and a more realistic environment, but it almost seems to me like a video game.

With Instant Messaging eg: MSN Messenger, Yahoo etc etc, You are sending and recieving messages promptly, there is no need for you to be immersed in it wholely, You can happily just leave it run in the back ground and wait for people to respond to you, where i guess is the one negative i can think of, Where you aren't entirely sure if the person is actually engaged in speaking with you, But is that really relevant, In the conversation if something needed to be communicated between one entity to another, they would just get the information out there to the party involved and have their discussion untill further communications.

Ultimately, its just a glamour option for people to use these chatrooms with 3D function and real life models, its pointless to say the least, its just another way society is trying to fabricate the virtual world a little more, I say 3D chatrooms will be a whole lot better once they actually involve you doing it via Virtual Reality control.

Rant over.

and its time for task 2

Hola Bloggers,

Task 2 time so im going to keep this short and sweet.

In answer to the question, "How do Search Engines rank their pages" Personally without any form of investigation into the matter, i thought to myself, "Because someone pays them to be at the top" But naturally due to assumption i was wrong.

It turns out that they use the words or keywords that you put into the search engine and quickly scan the web, Finding any pages that are relevant to the particular word that you have used, In the past websites would fill their sites with random useless words that do not convey anything at all, besides senseless dribble, Just to get thier site to the top of the list so people would click on their little link.

The next question was "What is it that puts a page at the top of the list", My simple answer would be that the information again, If its wholely relevent to the keywords, and has a statistically higher relevance it gains priority, Say you were to google a random word, it would come up with the information for that word, and any websites relevant to that, However all you need to do is add another word and your results will differ, sometimes stay the same but differ in one way or another.

Personally, My favourite search engine would have to be Google, Because it is the King/Galatic Overlord (whatever tickles your fancy) of the Search engines, its the most commercialized of them all, and because of the exposure Google has gotten, more people use it, I do however tend to stray to other search engines, for no real reason as to feel unique however that is a feeble attempt to say the least.

Well thats all today Bloggers.

Week 3 or 4 i forget *facepalm*

Hey guys,

Welcome back to another installment of Communications Technologies.

*Cheers and crowd goes wild*

Now this particular blog might not be half as exciting, but in an attempt to make it exciting, im going to post the questions i have had to answer myself, without the assistance of Search Engine god "Google" Or the bane of my existance "Wikipedia".

They are really abstract and some might be considered humorous depending on your personality.

1. What did Alan Turing wear while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park?
2. On what date did two computers first communicate with each other? Where were they?
3. What is Bill Gates’ birthday and what age was he when he sold his first software?
4. Where was the World Wide Web invented?
5. How does the power of the computer you are working on now compare with the power of a personal computer from 30 years ago?
6. What is the weight of the largest parsnip ever grown?
7. When did Queensland become a state and why is the Tweed River in New South Wales?
8. What was the weather like in south-east Queensland on 17 November 1954?
9. Why is is Lord Byron still remembered in Venice?
10. What band did Sirhan Chapman play in and what is his real name?

Okay there are you're questions if you can answer the first one off the top of your head email me your name, address, postal information and i will send you out a pulizter prize or something shiny i picked up in the trash, cause that one stumped me and took up 2 hours of my time sorting through various pages (that weren't google or wiki i swear ^_^).


1: Quirky and queer Alan Turing would wear a gas mask as he rode his bike, as he believed it would relieve him of allergies.
2: Apparently in 1969 at UCLA (University of Calafornia America).
URL: &
3: 28th October 1955 - and 19 years old. (Happy birthday Billy! 54 years young)
URL: &
4: The Europeans started the WWW. (Best thing they invented since the Greeks invented Anal intercourse *cringe*)
5: More of a personal opinion question, The comparison would be incredibly massive as 30 years ago computers were the size of buses or small trucks and in today's society they are almost small enough to fit into the palm of your hand (in some cases they can *hugs PDA*)
6: A whopping 8lbs 6 oz (or 3.740kgs for you metric folks)
7: June 6 1859 Queensland was formed. and the answer to Tweed river will be posted in due course.
8: A cyclone struck queensland destroying thousands of homes and killing 26 people.
9: For his tireless efforts to unite divided greece.
10: The Black Assassins - Mark Chapman? &

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Week 2 Bloggings

Hey Blog followers,

Time for weekly installment number two, Its a little late but alas better late than never.

Today im reflecting on the impact of Communication technologies upon myself, and using my own personal opinion, so general disclaimer blah blah blah, My opinions only voice and represent me and no other parties blah blah blah.

In grand total, I have been using various communication techniques, Phone, Internet and physical mail for several years, since i was able to talk really, I remember my mother putting me on the phone to my grandfather and saying hello to him when i was but knee high to a grasshopper, and i would assume most of my generation has done the exact same.

Each particular technology was introduced to me by myself i suppose as well as my peers, I've had a natural knack you could say for technology and i love to know how they work, what makes them tick, and how to use them, I have been able to pick up a brand new mobile phone device and use it proficiently before the actual owner could work it out, and its i guess been a gift of mine to be a technopath.

Privacy isn't a huge issue for me on the basic scale of my name, date of birth etc, But greater details like private personal informations should be kept secret, but keeping this on track to the communicative informations we give out to Facebook, Google and Myspace doesnt particularly bother me, Some day in the future its going to be all too easy to get information about a person or entity with the click of a button, it pretty much already is.

Furthering from that, why would you have anything to hide, if its that personal, i believe you shouldn't place it somewhere for it to become public knowledge, I already did a minor investigation into what informations you can find about someone, and sheerly using facebook (As i am a user) I could quite easily pick up on pictures of my work colleagues and friends sheerly by typing their names into a google image search.

Differences between Cyber-friends and real friends......

Well its quite easy to say, most people would be slightly more forthcoming with cyber friends than real friends as they havent physically met them, and do not physically see them, they don't have to worry about their physical reactions or their judgements.

Real friends (non Cyber friends) you're not always honest with, you try to protect them and preserve your friendship moreso by omitting facts that they could judge you on.

Here is a Link:

I have chosen this particular video as its covering the impact of new media and communication technologies, and also discusses the impact of too much informations and any possible rammifications of such.

Well thats all for now, Till next time.